Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Took It For Granted By Charisse Ross

 TOOK IT FOR GRANTED by Charisse Ross

Didn't know I would miss it
Maybe I took it for granted
Simple things
Like sitting on the church pew while the choir sings
The joy that your physical touch brings
Being able to see you face to face
A long warm, loving embrace
Standing cheek to cheek
Conversations face to face

Didn't know I would miss it
Maybe I took it for granted
Watching little children swing on swings
Holding hands in the park and the joy it brings
It's just simple things
Like sitting in a restaurant hearing and seeing people chit chatter
Sharing the taste of my lunch entre or dinner platter
I can't believe that at one time it didn't matter
And now its a deadly situation that keeps getting sadder 
My personal space was my choice
But now my face mask muffles my voice 
I feel like I was forced to be instantly  converted
From extroverted to introverted 
But is it really worth it?
And now the death toll rises
There are no more surprises
As the COVID-19 virus spreads fast
How much longer will this way of living last

Didn't know I would miss it
Maybe I took it for granted
Crowded festivals, wedding receptions, and hayrides at Blake's cider mill
Dancing at clubs and parties, people cuddling close to get rid of a cold chill
Live music concerts and cheering loudly for my favorite team at a live sporting event game 
Everything has changed, nothing really stayed the same
COVID19 seems like a bad dream
But I wake up everyday to the same quarantine
A prisoner in my own home
I'm a hermit, destined to die alone
Paranoid to go outside
The sound of my cough conjures up fear
Praying I live to see another day

Didn't Know I would miss it
Maybe I took it for granted
COVID19 took so many lives
I'm just hoping it doesn't take mine

Nostalgia by Rachel Fry

Nostalgia by Rachel Fry

A formal goodbye to my childhood,
As I walk through the old neighborhood.
Hearing the ghosts of shrieks and laughter,
As we played hide n' seek and chased fireflies after.
I remember the peaceful weekends at the lake,
Fishing, swimming and tubing with Jake.
I remember the holiday parties and field days at school,
When slurpee runs were frequent and silly bands were cool.
From basketball practice in the winter and cheer in the fall,
To asking "is your refrigerator running?" on a dumb prank call.
The days were long and the summers were endless,
A time was life's possibilities seemed to be limitless.